(English below.)
In Memoriam

Diese Seite ist Softkill gewidmet, meinem Computerclub in den
guten alten Zeiten.
Der Spruch "Anarchie auf Rädern" geht auf Wolfgang
`wosch´ Schnabel zurück, seines Zeichens Redakteur der
Zeitschrift RUN.
Meine grüße gehen an Piet, wo auch immer Du sein magst.
This Page is dedicated to Softkill, my Computer Club in the
good old days.
The Club was formed in the early '80s and existed over 10
years. It was named after software which is killing
your time (or life *g*), thus "Softkill". The name was
first published in the Commodore C64 magazine RUN.
Other SOFTKILL resources on The Web:
- There is a freeware tool named softkill (or skill) under
Unix. However I did not find it anywhere (haven't looked
in metalabs aka sunsite yet).
- There is a MIDI at a page named design
(alternate link: design)
- I try to get it as BGSOUND (or EMBED) here ;)
- It looks like there is a magazine named Softkill. However
I did not find any link to it. It is mentioned at Lollipop
Online. All other links I found were dead. I noted
the author.
- It looks like Softkill is a military idiom like in
"the Mission
of radar guided anti air defense missiles" =8-O
And there is really an interesting Product
at EuroTorp. Wish I could utilize this at Microsoft ;)
Related resources on The Web (please note the SPC in the
names, thus the domains should read www.soft-kill.com etc. and
thus does not collide with my domain here):
If you have more info, please send it to me. Thanks.
Service to other peoples utilizing the name SOFTKILL:
If you are using or own the name SOFTKILL (and you can proove
that you did it before), I can
- list your URLs here.
- delegate you a sub-domain like www.zine.softkill.com
- take over the DNS service of your subdomain.
- host your pages under following terms:
- FTP account only
- No statistics, logfiles etc.
- Low traffic volume
- Lynx aware pages
- even make you an eMail Address if your surname happens to
read "softkill" ;)
I really hate all those Cybersquatting out there. Thus this
all is done for free (absolutely no cost, period). But please
note that I have to pay for my traffic. So contributions are
So you will have no backups, no guarantees, no 24/7 service
etc. However note that I have a complete backup hardware ready.
Please note that my server is a P233/128 MB ECC-RAM which
utilizes thttpd
and thus can handle any load up to 100 MBPS.
Last edited: 2000-04-07 by Softkill